
M!A – mute until kissed || OPEN

“…” The Doctor moved forward, stepping in the way and waving a hand at the other, biting her lip as she did. She hated not being able to talk.

Missy tilted her head, consern visible in her expression as she studied her beloved.

“Theta, are you alright? What is it?” She let her eyes study her properly, making sure she wasn’t hurt any where.

(Simm) Koschei smirked. “Mute eh? Heh, they totally screwed you over didn’t they, especially with just how much you LOVE to ramble.” He will kiss her in a bit, but he was going to have some fun first.


M!A – mute until kissed 

Annoyance wasn’t half of what was on her face. The Doctor pouted, settling in her seat as she gave The Master a look that could kill. Talking was her main weapon. Being able to communicate, talk – to have that taken away from her reminded her of the time that creature took her voice on MIDNIGHT. It wasn’t nice.


She crossed her arms, just watching him.

He gives her a mock pout and then grins again.

“It’s okay love, I’ll kiss you in a bit, just let me have this little bit of peace and quite.” He snickered.



( @sclfmastery )

“Can we adopt Kira?”

Somehow, the Master doesn’t miss a beat (hey, he’s always had excellent rhythm) when the Doctor springs this whimsical request.  Mid-pouring of tea, he fluidly spins and gestures to her for attention.  

      “Well darling, you know that an actual living child requires regular maintenance, right?   More than, say, a cat, or a spinning delivery bot head, or a cactus, or a Type-40 TARDIS that a certain someone else,” and he tugs on his own suit lapels, “regularly tends do.  She’ll need food, and affection, and probably school of some kind, and next thing you know she’ll be dating, and acquiring moral principles, and asking you where babies come from.  Can you feed and water a darling human girl with dedication?”  

“I’ve had kids before Koschei…” Theta raised a brow at him, knowing that he knew that full well.

Tho he did have a point, it had been such a very long time since she had actually looked after a child…

Was she actually a child? Or was she an adult by human standards? She probably only just became an adult…

“Also I think she 21… or at least 18… Plus, I’ll have you there as well, right? Unless you don’t wanna… and- and that’s fine… I’ll figure it out somehow, it’s just, she’s never known her parents and apparently saying that ‘she had a great out look on life’ was the NICEST thing anyone had ever said to her… along side the fact she’s only had ONE gift her whole life… I mean how can someone only have ONE gift their entire life! Surly someone else was nice to her other than Julie of personnel…”

13 sets a small robot in the kitchen table. “Kosch’, say hi to twirly… I’m keeping him.”




For a moment, the Master was at a loss for words, disarmed by her sheer excitement

“Tell me you didn’t. I don’t even want to know where he came from. There’s probably an explosion involved.”

“He’s Kerblams delivery bot, 1.0… isn’t he just the cutest thing!” She couldn’t stop grinning, her eyes shining in happiness.

“Greetings! I’m Kerblams Delivery Bot! How may I help you!”

“Gonna have to rewrite him a tiny bit so that he isn’t just a Delivery bot, widen his personality and perspective.” She pats the robot.


@quxrenciia sent: 

“Hey! Hey! Hey Thor! Can I do something? Stretch your arm out to the side.” The Spider-child grins.

“Like this, spiderling?” he asks, holding his arm straight out to the side.

“Perfect!” And within moments, Peter jumped up and was crouching, upside down on his arm. “Tada~ Magic.” he winked.

He positively LOVED that he could stick to any surface.