MBTI Stereotypes and Descriptions vs Reality: INFP


Part of a series with @itsme-isfp

Type Description:

“INFP personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, INFPs have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. At their best, these qualities enable INFPs to communicate deeply with others, easily speaking in metaphors and parables, and understanding and creating symbols to share their ideas. The strength of this intuitive communication style lends itself well to creative works, and it comes as no surprise that many famous INFPs are poets, writers and actors. Understanding themselves and their place in the world is important to INFPs, and they explore these ideas by projecting themselves into their work.”


Smol idealist that dreams about the entire world being a lovely garden where unicorns exist and everyone lives in peace with one another.  Everyone’s sympathetic supporter who wants a deep connection with people and who wants to make a positive impact on society. Basically all good, all innocent, all imagination. HUFFLEPUFF


Living with their parents five years into college and still haven’t picked a major; adopted fifteen cats against dad’s will and they’re all eating on his tab. Has a plan for someday, but is secretly wishing they didn’t have to choose any kind of career. Has a great sense of humor, aside from developing depressing nihilistic humor, they are easily one of the funniest people you’ll know. Secretly hates society in general because no one gets them…but also really wants somebody to love.

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